STAGE           37

HP: 43%
MP: 0/5
XP: 13 711/13 880
WY: 23
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A hacker is not a person who hacked into and is proud of it. A hacker is a person who knows how to break open but doesn't commit this without necessary.
To the edge of the worldTravel by bike 10 000 km
Passed [2185.1 / 10000]    Done: 21.851%
Test pilotTo leave on the bike in a heavy snow
Typical ProgrammerWrite 100 applications
LinguistLearn to write a minimum of 10 programming languages
The World Wide WebWrite 10 sites or web applications that are used for more than a year
Written by [8 / 10]    Done: 80%
MasterDevelop 10 devices or systems that are used for more than a year
Developed by [9 / 10]    Done: 90%
This is only the beginningWork 20 years
Have worked [15 / 20]    Done: 75%
Magnetism of the communityPost at least 50 projects on the Internet
Projects published [50]    Done: 100%
Honorable inmateTo live 50 years old
Lived [37 / 50]    Done: 74%
You're a programmerCan not be translated! :(
Cases [58 / 100]    Done: 58%
SickGet to the hospital
MechanicFully assemble the bicycle
SleepwalkerSwim at night
City of poets and suicidesMove to live in St. Petersburg and write a poem
Revolution has come trueLive to the moment when electric cars replace gas engines
Do not careAfter the triumph of electric vehicles continue to ride a Lada
The Green SaboteurBuy an electric scooter and tell how it does not pollute the environment
Under siegeGo past the grandmothers at the entrance in an unusual way and hear no accusations
Under siegeStuck in the toilet due to the fact that the toilet paper has run out
Gritting my teethLive your whole life without going to the dentist
Nothing is impossibleDrown in the Red Sea
It had to happenKill your neighbor with his hammer or drill
Joyful uncleWork as Santa Claus for the New Year
Like a believerGo to church for no reason
Miraculous transformationEnter the casino rich and leave the poor
And with a clear conscience ...Never torrent in your entire life
And with a clear conscience ... 2I've never taken out a loan in my entire life
GodlikeCall the beast a crime boss and stay alive
Bad ideaCreate a mechanism from what was at hand
Ice AgeContinue the bathing season in November
Hope dies lastContinue the bathing season in December
The dark territoryEarn on the exchange due to the volatility of cryptocurrency
Coriolis, I can feel it...Meet winter in July
Caribbean pirateOwn land on the Caribbean coast